Cohen: “Visual Color and Color Mixture”


Oct 10 edit: the third heading has been changed to “Computing E from A”

I want to work an example from Cohen, “Visual Color and Color Mixture” (see the bibliography, and this “books added” post). I am not, however, going to do it exactly the way he did. Nevertheless, I will show you everything he calculated.

Because I want to get everything of his into one post, I will break this into small sections. I expect that my next post will show you what I would have done instead.

All of his matrices can be found on p. 70 of his book.

What we have here is an extremely small example to illustrate “color matching functions” applied to light spectra, resulting in three real numbers which we call R,G,B or X,Y,Z. This is a prelude to using real color matching functions on real spectra. I will refer to the 3 numbers I get during the course of this example as “R,G,B”, in quotes because this is a toy example, and because down the road I’ll be computing “XYZ tristimulus values” in preference to RGB.

The A and E matrices: computing A from E

Read the rest of this entry »

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