Happenings – 2012 Dec 22

I’ve been doing holiday stuff and work, of course, this past week… now I’m off until Jan. 2… but I have lots of holiday stuff to do.

Oh, so much for the Mayan apocalypse – but did you (a reader of a math blog) really expect the world to end yesterday?

I’ve started a computational finance course from the University of Washington, thru Coursera… one week in, it’s everything the previous course, from Georgia Tech, should have been but wasn’t; I certainly hope it maintains this level. It has lectures with clear examples… although there have been some mistakes in the lectures, they are corrected in the downloadable slides… plenty of background tutorial material in Excel and R for anyone who needs it. (And I can use some of the R training. A four-week class got me up and running in R, but I’m still an apprentice at it. I still want to see journeyman-level solutions.)

Well, I have to get back to holiday preparations. For those of you who celebrate Xmas, whether as a sacred event or secular, I wish you a happy holiday.

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